The root-zone based wastewater purification system we present, is a popular solution worldwide. This environmentally friendly system has been used successfully in Western-Europe for decades. It has an unvaluable importance in the consciousness of sustainable development. Based on the experience of our many years long made survey, the usage of these systems in Eastern-Europe is neglected. It's mainly caused by the inadequate planning, and the lack of professional experience.
It's a modern alternate of public works, and gives an economical and environmentally friendly solution for settlements under 5000 housing units, and for scattered settlements too.
Comparing this system with traditional wastewater purification systems, we can say, that the smaller the population, the more eficcient the root-zone based purification system constructed, instead of the traditional ones.
The biggest long-term advantage is that because of the lack of external energy, lowers the maintenance cost with about 10-20% compared to other systems. This causes, that more money can stay at the households, and it helps the sustainability. The root-zone based purification system gives a reachable solution for disadvantaged settlements too.
It can also be used for post-purifying of industrial and agricultural wastewaters with inadequate parameters.
We undertake a 10 years long guarantee for the purification systems. and we also insure a 2 years long free repair service.